Wednesday, July 26, 2006

lilac elderberry jam

You can use this recipe whit other wild fruits (first check effect).

2 litre fruits
1kilogram gelatinous sugar

Look out to not have green fruits, and not eat rouw, becouse contain poisone- Samburgin, who after cooc is no more active.
mixt, and simmer not boil to long, until will have consistency of jam.
put into a jam-jar and it is ready :)

Keep far from children in cold, dark place
Not eat to much, two small spoon in day is good, no more becouse have effect diuretic, sudorific and soft laxative (good for older people whit predisposition to constipation)

In haveing a cold is good to eat table spoon twice in day for child and 3 time in day for grow up people.



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